Monday, 31 December 2018

Bring On 2019!

Well, at least it hasn't been a year since my last blog post, but it has been nearly 6 months, so much for me getting on track (in the blog part of my work, anyways).

So, I decided to start on December 31st hoping it will kick start 2019.  My plan is to use my blog posts as a bit of a training log.  I will post what I have done, or plan to do, plus share some of the specifics on my workouts. 

My main training goal for 2019 is a half marathon as a part of a team triathlon with my friends, Jayme (bike) and Carolyn (swim) at the beginning of July.  Jayme used a training program last year from the book Run Less Run Faster and she rocked the run, so I am hoping it will help me out as road running is one of my least favorite things to do, but I am up for the challenge.  I will be doing a decent amount of my winter running on a Woodway Curve treadmill as I really hate cold weather running, plus it has been super slippery in Edmonton this last month or so.

Today's pre-celebration workout was less than 30 minutes long, but it sure got me sweating!  If you participated in my Summer Workout Challenge - I did Workout #6.

Here is the MAIN SET of the workout:
Set Timer for 1min Intervals (x12)
1. Burpee with Push Up
2. Reverse Lunge (L & R) + Jump Squat (repeat)
3. 10 High Knees + 5 Jumping Jacks + 10 Mountain Climbers (repeat)
4. Rest
Sweaty B & Cooper After My Workout

Another initiative, I am implementing for 2019 is 100 Burpee Challenge.  A bunch of clients and I did this back in 2016 -- it was a nice monthly challenge that got everyone talking and moving!  Every second Saturday of each month, you will perform 100 Burpees (all in a row, or in small batches throughout the day) -- that is up to you!  Our first Saturday is January 12th.

Breanne :)