Monday, 31 December 2018

Bring On 2019!

Well, at least it hasn't been a year since my last blog post, but it has been nearly 6 months, so much for me getting on track (in the blog part of my work, anyways).

So, I decided to start on December 31st hoping it will kick start 2019.  My plan is to use my blog posts as a bit of a training log.  I will post what I have done, or plan to do, plus share some of the specifics on my workouts. 

My main training goal for 2019 is a half marathon as a part of a team triathlon with my friends, Jayme (bike) and Carolyn (swim) at the beginning of July.  Jayme used a training program last year from the book Run Less Run Faster and she rocked the run, so I am hoping it will help me out as road running is one of my least favorite things to do, but I am up for the challenge.  I will be doing a decent amount of my winter running on a Woodway Curve treadmill as I really hate cold weather running, plus it has been super slippery in Edmonton this last month or so.

Today's pre-celebration workout was less than 30 minutes long, but it sure got me sweating!  If you participated in my Summer Workout Challenge - I did Workout #6.

Here is the MAIN SET of the workout:
Set Timer for 1min Intervals (x12)
1. Burpee with Push Up
2. Reverse Lunge (L & R) + Jump Squat (repeat)
3. 10 High Knees + 5 Jumping Jacks + 10 Mountain Climbers (repeat)
4. Rest
Sweaty B & Cooper After My Workout

Another initiative, I am implementing for 2019 is 100 Burpee Challenge.  A bunch of clients and I did this back in 2016 -- it was a nice monthly challenge that got everyone talking and moving!  Every second Saturday of each month, you will perform 100 Burpees (all in a row, or in small batches throughout the day) -- that is up to you!  Our first Saturday is January 12th.

Breanne :)

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Sample Exercises And Hello!

It’s been a long time!

I am still working at the Pulse Generator at the U of A Hospital as a personal trainer, fitness instructor and massage therapist.  My other main duty is organizing all fitness classes in Edmonton & Calgary for the Pulse Generator.  I closed my own workout space over one year ago as I needed to claim some of my time back. I am always trying to learn and progress my business.
I am working on some online training options and with that comes challenging my video making skills.

Check out my first very basic video that was made with iMovie.
Click here to access the video:

We will also need the password - FUNKYFIT

Let me know what you think.